Green Building Envelope Links

Here you will find a listing of links to various industry platforms that give additional information on Green Building Envelopes


Ecologically Friendly Property Upgrades 

Canada Green Building Council 

Canada Green Building Council - AB

Canada Green Building Council - BC

Green Roof for Healthy Cites

- this website is excellent for people who wish to know more about Garden Roof technologies trends and emerging products. 

Lighthouse Sustainable Design Centre 

- this website is an excellent resource for design professionals wishing to learn more about the impact of sustainable green building design. 

British Columbia Building Envelope Council 

Manufacturers Agents of North America

- this website is an excellent resource for companies who wish to know more about the relationship between manufacturers and sales agents. 

Construction Specification Canada 

Alberta Building Envelope Council 

Ron Blank & Associates 

- this website bridges the gap between design professionals and product manufacturers.

Envirochem Service Inc.’s Green Building Chart 

- The chart details specifics about various green building programs as well as covering some of the services Envirochem can assist you with.

For additional information on Resources & Links for Green Building Envelope Architectural Products, contact InterCoast Building Solutions - the Building Envelope solutions experts for BC, AB and Western Canada